Masters of Acupuncture

G’day Pilgrim, (A la, the late, great John Wayne with an oz touch)

I am posting this slightly edited e-mail I received from my friend/colleague/ student this morning and my reply in the hope that you will be a little more inspired to practice as a result.

The author of this e-mail is recovering from a very serious health issue and recently relocated to the other side of the country to start afresh.

Her efforts sure help me get things into perspective when I am feeling up against it and have earned my utmost respect.

Hi Alan,

Feeling good n strong, lovin the pre summer vibes.

Had sensei Morimoto (?), visit clinic.

He saw 40 difficult clients over 2 days.

It was amazing to see him work with a teishin(sp?)

No insertion but profound.

I am getting pretty busy with Facial rejuv acup, saw 16 clients last week.

*Teishin metal instrument used in refined acupuncture treatment, exceptionally gentle, great for kids and extremely potent in the hands an aware practitioner, shaped much like a short pencil, rounded at both ends, works with the wei qi emphatically.

I lost my entire reply via a millisecond power outage, UGHHH!

This is the second and last draft.


Sensei’s treatments will no doubt have had a powerful effect on your awareness and practice of acupuncture.

Awesome to have him in clinic for two days, what a great opportunity to learn.

I am stoked that things are going so well for you.

Well deserved and more, much more to come, of that I am sure. .

Please check it out, maybe post a comment?

This BLOG is a part of a long term project, with the site proper to be launched Feb.7th 2008.

We will be exploring the practical skills and the underpinning classical theories required to deliver refined and articulate acupuncture treatment.

This classical medical tapestry that was first woven some 3000 years ago provides us with an extraordinary energetic template, lucidly based on the observation of the relativity of nature and immense accumulated clinical experience.

Speaking of world acupuncture and immense accumulated clinical experience, master practitioner, Masakazu Ikeda sensei will be in Australia for the last time in August next year.

Stay tuned…

Y’all welcome to come by now.



About Alan

Alan Jansson is an internationally recognized teacher and practitioner of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. As a staunch advocate of practically based workshops, Alan draws upon his 35 years clinical experience and 23 years post and undergraduate teaching. Alan has presented, convened and hosted more than 70 Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshops in Australia, Europe, and USA.

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