Acupuncture Patient has Ultrasound Scan that Confirms Positive Foetal Movement

Andrea, subject of my post on December 11th. had scans on Tuesday that confirmed her baby was once again presenting in an appropriate manner. Gotta love the combination of rice grain moxibustion and Bl.67 With 7 weeks to go all is good and her obstetrician was both surprised and … [Read more...]

Traditional Acupuncture Stimulates Movement of Baby In Utero

30 weeks pregnant Andrea came to clinic last week reporting the bub in her tum had moved significantly during a flight (1hr) earlier in the week. She then conferred with her Gynecologist who confirmed that the bub had in fact turned and was now in less than perfect position in utero. Her … [Read more...]

30 weeks Pregnant Patient Resorts to Traditional Acupuncture

G'Day and I hope it is or has been a good one for you, Virginia described it as feeling like her upper right abdomen was tearing apart, her gynecologist had no answer other than for her to grin and bear it. She arrived at clinic craving for relief from this extremely debilitating and painful … [Read more...]

Braxton Hicks Patient Responds Well to Acupuncture Treatment

Regarding the patient who was the subject of my post on November 22nd. She was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions and severe bleeding five weeks premature to the expected birth date of her 2nd baby. Tonification of the kidney meridian and importantly, in such an energetically delicate … [Read more...]

A Day in the Clinical Life of a Traditional Acupuncture Practitioner

G'Day Y'all, In clinic yesterday I saw an extremely diverse range of patients. I think the happiest was our IVF patient, after trying for several months she arrived in clinic yesterday to happily announce that she was indeed, pregnant. … [Read more...]

Rough Day in Clinic

Yesterday was one of my roughest days in clinic for a long time. One of those days where a majority of clients regardless of their condition were irritable, irritating or irritated. No reflection on me at all ? Fortunately most felt better after treatment, especially the 3 pregnant ones. One of … [Read more...]