Traditional Acupuncturist Responds To Patient’s Praise.

G'day good reader, I received this email from one of my patients the other day and spent some time drafting an appropriate reply. Hope it is helpful. Thanks Alan - You are truly amazing and very gifted. I am blessed to have discovered your talents. Look fwd to my treatment nxt Wed - see you @ … [Read more...]

Positive Response to Email Sent to Acupuncture Clients

Hello, Hope all is well in your world. I have just sent my clinic newsletter to my email friendly clients and thought it might be interesting to post some of the replies the I have received as a result. 'Good to see that you are taking the longer break, Alan. Enjoy the party and have a safe and … [Read more...]

The Fundamentals of Traditional Acupuncture Practice Management

An email to my colleague, Andy Rosenfarb from New Jersey. G'Day Andy, … [Read more...]